Saturday, July 21, 2007

Day 1

I’m going to try and blog everyday about our experiences at camp. I hope you enjoy this and it can be used as a way for all of us to look back and remember how much fun we had. This morning we met at the church at 6:00AM. I was so impressed that we all showed up on time and that we all got checked in quickly. We then prayed and said out good byes and kissed our mother and fathers and loaded onto the bus by 6:30 and we were on our way. Some very wonderful mothers made us all scones to eat on our way up and boy were they TASTY!!! We had a 56seater bus for all 25 of us! ☺ It was fun though and Christi even spread out and took a nap (and I did too!).
We watched a few movies including the Incredibles, UHF (a camp tradition) and the Parent Trap (the 1998 version when Lindsey Lohan was innocent). We stopped in Tulare for “Lunch” around 10am… we were all VERY hungry by then. Because we made great time we took until 11:30 to eat, strech and go to K-mart for refills of our snacks, or for people like me to get some water. (Can you believe I forgot to bring something to drink for the bus?!?!?!) Our driver was very nice and I thought that he drove VERY well. I don’t think I could have maneuvered a 56 passenger charter bus up those mountain roads.
When we arrived at Calvin Crest I was very confused. This being my first time here I didn’t know where things were or what the normal plan was, which turns out wouldn’t have helped me anyway because they are doing things differently this year. It was quite confusing and it took me awhile to figure out where I was to go with who, but I got it in the end. I checked us all in and got everyone all situated and went to my room in the Lodge to shake off my frustrations the check in process. We had a few left over scones so I decided to divide them up among our cabins for a treat this evening and gave them to our councelors at our 4:30 meeting.
From there we went up to the “Dining Hall” for camp orientation, where they went over all the rules with the students. I call it the “Dining Hall” because in actuality we eat on the patio outside the “dining hall” and the actual “hall” is what I would call a “multi-purpose room.” After the Rules were given we had dinner. We had pizza and salad and when we went back for seconds the pizza dough was GREEN!!!!! It was good though because instead of sauce on the Green Pizza it was sun-dried tomatoes and basil…mmmm. I think Remy would be proud (especially for camp food).
The cabins were then arranged into teams with a “LC” or Lead Councelor to the rest of us. I went with the girl’s cabins and our team we decided was to be called “The Scream Team!” And we all know how well Jr. High girls can scream…fun! We came up with a skit and performed it for the rest of the camp. I really enjoyed this and it was fun. I will say, and I’m not bias or anything, but the teams with the students from IPC, have the best names (the boy’s team is called the Indonesian Chupacabras).

Well then we headed up to CAMPFIRE in which there was no campfire at all, just 6 tiki torches. I liked it a lot it was really pretty. Anyway we sang and then Ryan gave his first talk. I gotta say right now that it wasn’t until he was up there that I realized that I was so GLAD that he was the one up there. I really love listening to Ryan’s talks, they are so well done and even though it’s for a Jr. High audience, I get something out of it every time. It was so comfortable to see him up there and he did a really great job. His talks this week are titled, “Lessons from OZ” based off the movie the Wizard of Oz. It’s really going to be great and his theme verse is Mark 12:30, “And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind and all your strength.” I’m so excited about these talks and I’m sure they will be really great.
I want to end this post with how we ended the night. Calvin Crest is doing a theme this summer with finding our Identity. Tonight we went to three different stations where they read questions for personal reflection and then we prayed. It was great just being in silence while going through these stations. I’m going to write the questions for reflection below and I hope that you’ll just think of them too. It’s really neat to think of these and how we identify with the things in our life.
The first station was our Individual Identity:
1. What is an identity?
2. What is shaping our identity?
3. What things in your life make you who you are?
4. As individual people, what does it mean to be followers of Jesus?
5. Should Jesus be invited into any of it?
6. Is Jesus involved in any of it?
The second station was our Corporate Identity:
1. What does it mean to go to a certain school?
2. Be a member of a certain family?
3. What does it mean to be the church instead of just going to a church?
4. Are we a part of something bigger?
The third station was the International Awareness and Response:
1. Should we even care about people we’ve never met?
2. Is being a Christian more than just praying a prayer?
3. Do you know where theses hot cocoa beans were grown? (we got hot chocolate at this station :)
4. Should we care about where we get the things we have?

Think about it…. That’s a lot to ponder.

Well until tomorrow, peace and grace to you from Calvin Crest!

Quote from today:
“If you were from Tokyo wouldn’t you be a Tokian?” –Kelsey Stevens

Day 2

Day two is well on it’s way and it’s really been a great day so far. I was up at 6:45 am and went out and enjoyed the morning on the front porch reading Harry Potter. Then we went up to the “Dining Hall” for breakfast. It was really good, but I really liked the biscuits, of course. After breakfast was “cabin cleanup” time and as I am not in a cabin I got to go back to my room and changed my shoes and then I went up to one of the girls cabins and hung out with them until the morning talk time. The morning talk was good. We read from John 9 and we talked about how the different people that new the blind man who was cured of his blindness still referred to him as “the blind man.” It got a discussion going on what we base our identity on. We then were able to split up into our teams and have a 15-20 min period of quiet time reflection on the homely we had just heard. The girls’ team then went on a hike to a waterfall and had a talk there for their team time, while the boys played ultimate Frisbee on the “Green” which is just what it sounds like, a big green lawn. I wasn’t able to participate in either of these activities because I had to register for my Fall term classes and I’m so excited because I got ALL of the classes I wanted! ☺ YEA!!!
Then it was lunch time, so up to the “Dining Hall” we went. Lunch was an interesting attempt on Cheese steak sandwiches. Trevor and I had a salad instead. When lunch was over we went out onto the “Green” to play a game called, “Slam, Sling, Smash, Splash.” I’m still not sure how it’s played, but there were two teams (Boys and Girl Councelors VS. Girls and Boy councelors). I think they had to throw balls in goals and where it went through the goal was a different amount of points and then at one point they started shooting off water balloons too (I think just for fun and so that they could throw the word “splash” in the title of the game). Anyway it was a lot of running, dodging water balloons, throwing balls into video cameras (Trevor), throwing balls at goals and other people and just lots of laughter.
So after the crazy fun silly game they decided it was time for Rest and Relaxation, which from what I’ve heard wasn’t very restful. Then began the time that all campers look forward to, FREE TIME!!!!
And I gotta tell you… I went to the general store and I had a treat that I have not had since I myself was in Jr. High. I used to have an “It’s-it” EVERYDAY FOR LUNCH. It’s an ice cream sandwich but with cinnamon/oatmeal cookies and then the entire thing is dipped in chocolate…OH MAN!!! It was so good!!! I was typing the earlier part of this blog when Kelsey and Annalea came and sat with me for a while and they decided they wanted to write their own so I have those posted below. I’m going to see if different people want to write a bit each day, yes, I think that would be great.

During Free time Ryan was sitting a bit down from me at the table and he was doing many card tricks for the other campers. I love watching him do magic because people really like to watch it and he has some really good tricks, and he loves doing it so much that everyone around just has a great time. I went to the craft bungalow with some of the girls and we decided to do lanyards. Oh man, we are just cranking them out, let me tell you! I taught them how to make them into a Christian fish too and I think they really liked that.
Then another Councelor meeting and then a bit of a break, and then we had dinner. OOO! It was good again tonight. We had chicken and mashed potatoes and broccoli and corn bread…mmm. At the end of dinner they do a mail call and there were SO many packages, but alas, none for me…. Oh well! Well next was picture time so a lot of the girls and Gabi and Kathy and I decided to draw fun things on our cheeks, so I had freckles drawn on for the picture. Cooper dressed up in a bat costume. Yes you read that right, a BAT COSTUME! Why didn’t I think of that?!?!!?
Following the picture we all went back up into the “Dining Hall/Multi-purpose room” and did a little game/exercise showing how different everyone is in the same room. Jonathan (the camp guy) would give a choice to us and we had to go to one side of the room or the other depending on our answer and if we were a little in between we would stand in the middle of the room. Well one of the questions or scenarios was that we were to line up Oldest to Youngest and guess what?!!? I was the oldest female there! So I got to wear a crown because I am the queen…AND DON’T YOU FORGET IT!!!!! Then we split in to boys and girls groups and talked about what makes up our image and what we don’t like about our physical appearance and what we don’t like about our inner self and if those things really define our identity. We then broke off into our cabins to further discuss it. I offered my room to talk in and Gabi and Kathy’s cabins came and we had an AWESOME discussion. We even went a little too long and didn’t make it up to the “Pad” to make our identity shields, but the lead councelors were REALLY great about it and said that they would prefer us to spend more time in discussion.
We headed up to CAMPFIRE and Ryan gave another AWESOME talk about how the Christian walk is like the Yellow Brick Road and how we experience things along our way like beauty, danger, we get tired or scared, and how we experience surprising and/or wonderful things. Our cabins broke off into small groups and again we decided to combine the two girl cabins and MAN was it great!!! We didn’t even finish the second question!
We have had some really great talks, questions and growth already and I can see the campers and councelors growing closer together with themselves and eachother. I can’t wait to see what God has in store for our group tomorrow. And with that here are the two blogs from our campers:

KELSEY: For breakfast we had eggs, bacon, hash browns, biscuits, and a choice of cereal for others. After we headed up for our morning talk. In the talk Heather and Liz talked more about identities. They talked about the Blind Man story from the Bible and how his identity was “the blind man” and that not very many people believed that he was not blind and he was visited by Jesus. After the boys and girls split up into their groups with their Leaders. In my group my leader took us to a waterfall. After, it was LUNCH TIME! Today our tasty meal was cheese stakes, with a side of French fries, and an option of salad. After lunch we played a really fun game with all the campers, it was called a really really long tongue twister name, but it was sort of fun. Then we had Quiet time in our cabins for 30 min. in which I did nothing. Then it was FREE TIME , where kids can do anything they want around the camp. Today I am writing this and going to the crafts condo. Oh yeah I also laughed my head off with my friends from church!

ANNALEA: For breakfast we had eggs, bacon, hash browns, biscuits, and if you wanted cereal, bagels or fruit. After breakfast we had sermon on your personal identity. Then we split up into our teams ours is called “The SCREAM Team.” We walked to a small waterfall and had a discussion. The group walked back to the dining hall for a discussion on free time. For lunch we had French fries, steak, and cheese. After lunch we played “SLAM SLING SMASH SPLASH’’ It was really fun. After the game we had cabin time and my friend Lizzy and I switched beds. Now it’s free time and I am sitting in the cool shade talking to Janel, Later I want to go on the flume or a 95ft. tall slide. I am having so much fun at camp hanging with my friends and youth group leaders.

Aren’t those great?!?! Well I’m off to bed so that I can be well rested for tomorrow! Peace and comfort for you through our ALMIGHTY God!

Quote of the day:
“I squeeze my butt when I’m trying not to express myself.” –Katie Coleman

Day 3

Well today I actually slept in and I didn’t get up until 7am!!! Woo-hoo! Breakfast was really good in that we had pancakes and sausage. This morning’s talk was confusing for me. We were told we were going to hear about our corporate identity and yet all I got from the talk was that we weren’t doing enough to help the starving children in third world countries. I think that when they do the talk on our global identity it would fit better, but what do I know?!?! ☺ I think the students liked it and that’s all that really matters. One thing I really like is that after the morning talk the students break off into their teams and have quiet time. I think it’s really hard for people in general today to spend 15 minutes of quiet time with the Lord and I like that they do it EVERYDAY here.
Before I go into what we did next I don’t think that I’ve explained what the teams are. Calvin Crest has “Lead Councelors” on staff and they are in charge of about 4 cabins each. So each of the students have a cabin councelor (and we bring our own) and then a staff member that gets to know the students as well. The groups that the LC’s are in charge of are what are known as the teams. I’m really glad that our girls are in the same team. I’ve been going between our girls’ and boys’ teams, which has been really fun and great!
So today the teams did something they call initiatives. It’s a time to grow as a team and see what you yourself is capable of doing. I was able to go to both the girl’s and the boy’s initiatives. When the girls were doing their initiatives, the boys were in the pool and then when the boys were doing the initiatives, the girls went on a hike to polar bear pond. The girls were first and we met in a circle in which we went around and said our name, age, and the weirdest place we’ve ever peed (man I love Jr. High). After coming up with goals during initiatives (like respecting each other and working as a team, listening and open communication), we headed up to our first initiative, which was the broken bridge. The girls were instructed to get from one platform across to two others using just two pieces of wood and the kicker was that they couldn’t speak throughout the whole thing. Have you ever asked about 40 Jr. High girls to work together while not talking? YEAH, it was AWESOME. Here are some pictures of them working together in silence (it took about 30 minutes).
Then they went to another task where they had to walk across a wire while holding onto someone else doing the same thing. They had to use each other to balance themselves. I found it very interesting to see how some girls really wanted to keep going and had great patience with each other and how they would change up their teams to have more finish the task then fail at it. And then there were some girls who didn’t work well together at all and would blame the other girl for their failure. I’m proud to say that NONE of our girls were in that latter group.
The boys started their initiatives the same way and I gotta tell you that their answers were WAY better than the girls, but I think that’s because it’s easier for them to pee in weird places. The boys then had to stand up on a wall and then without talking they had to arrange themselves in order of their birthdays, January to December. They also had to stay on the wall (which was about 7 inches deep) and if they fell then they had to start over. It’s very interesting to watch the boys try and use non-verbal communication. They did a pretty good job too! Then they went over to a swinging rope and they had to swing on the rope (like Tarzan) onto a platform. The trick was that they gave a couple of the boys handicaps. Will had to do it without using his legs. I was VERY impressed and proud of all of the guys. They were so encouraging of each other and they really helped each other. They cheered if someone had a hard time and then they got it. They helped all the handicapped people first and really got a good system down.

Tonight Calvin Crest had a TV/Movie Star theme for dinner where we were to come dressed up as our favorite TV or Movie character or star. I wanted to speak quickly and talk in obscure references and go a Lorelei Gilmore, but well.. I didn’t. Actually not a lot of people from our church dressed up because we didn’t know about these theme nights. After dinner the students broke off into their cabins and they were given different film genres to make up skits for. The girls were given Foreign Film and Musical and the boys were given slow-motion.The cabins then went to three different stations to work on their skits; the green to rehearse the skit, the basketball court to make a backdrop for their skit and the craft condo for hair and make-up. I got to do the boys hair and I must say it was darn good!
The skits took a long time and then we went to CAMPFIRE and Ryan did such an AWESOME talk on loving the Lord your God with ALL your HEART! At the end of his talk he handed out little heart erasers to remind us to love God always.
After the talk and before the cabin time we played a KNIGHT GAME. It was basically a giant game of wink ‘em. There were knights and they were the only ones who could kill the hosts of the bubonic plague, of which there were 10, and there were 4 knights. I survived the first two rounds and then in the third round I died a spectacular death Nathan Roberts-style. I even got applause. I was killed again in the fourth round.
Today was very long and I am very tired so I’m going to bed.

Quote of the day:
“That was a lot of words, a lot of words. It was a lot of words.” –Kelsey Stevens

Day 4

Well I slept in again today ☺ and then we had morning word, which was about our Global Awareness. There was a great video that they showed and it was called, “Miniature Earth.” It takes the population of the world and has it represented by 100 people so for example it said that 12 were European, 30 Asians…etc. It was really powerful and I think that the students really got a lot out of it.
For team time today I went swimming with the girls. I would have pictures but I had too much fun hanging out in the pool with them and I even went off of the diving board ☺
Today we had seminars and most of our students went to one called Digital Love where they talked about how different media (TV, Movies, magazines, and the internet). At the end of the seminar they showed the dove commercial where it shows how they take an already pretty person into an ad and how much they change her and even elongate her neck and change her face to where it doesn’t even look like her. It makes you think what kind of beauty do we base ourselves on anyway? The question that they asked that I liked the best was they asked how many people have ever felt that they were as pretty as the models in the magazine. You know not a person raised their hand?!?! It really was a great seminar.
Then we were off to lunch and then we played ultimate duck duck goose. OOH it was so much fun! Unfortunately there was a boy named Zack that got hurt while we were playing and he fractured his ankle in 3 places so we had to stop the game a little early because they didn’t want the kids around while the ambulance was there. [It turns out he’s ok. They thought that he was going to have to go through 3 days of surgery and was home after just one night ☺]. Ending the game early allowed us to have an extra long rest and relaxation time, and from what I heard from the other councelors, the extra long time was completely fine!
I need to back up a second just to explain what happened today at free time. So two nights ago at dinner Kelsey was talking about how she had an older brother, so I jokingly asked if he was single and she said yes and we got in this big discussion about his likes, dislikes, what he does for a living, what he looks like, etc. Kathy came to the conclusion that Kelsey needed to “Hook it up!” So since then, we’ve been joking that I was going to marry Kelsey’s older brother, Josh. Today at free time the girls all threw me a “bridal shower.” They made me a tiara and card and ring at the craft condo and they bought me ice cream and made me other cool things. It was so sweet. And then they sat around and played a “spin the bottle” type of game with my nail polishes. [You place the colors around in a circle and then you spin the clear bottle and where ever it’s pointing, that’s what color you paint your first nail and you go around the circle until all your nails are painted. It’s actually pretty cool.]
One of my favorite things so far this week was dinner tonight. The theme was Dinner Les Internationale. We were served by the AIMers and they started by serving one table rice, beans, taco fillings, tortillas, and all the goodies to go with tacos. They made sure that the table was very satisfied and offered refills and back rubs. They waited a while until they started serving the other tables, but they only served 5 more tables beans and rice. Our table was one of the ones that got the beans and rice. The girls were starting to pick up on what was going on. Then we noticed that all the other tables were just getting rice. Our table decided to give our leftover beans to Kathy’s table and then I noticed that they gave the rest of the beans to another table. At first they didn’t get it, but then they realized what was being taught and what they were doing. One of the girls even asked if they were going to get real dinner after they learned their lesson, because they had learned their lesson.
One thing I really appreciated was that after we had all eaten, Jonathan came on the microphone and said that it was up to the “Western Culture” table, but they would be given as much food as they wanted if they wished to share it with us. They agreed and then helped to serve all the tables with all the taco stuff. Our girls went CRAZY when the food arrived. I also liked how they emphasized that we’ve been blessed with food so it’s good that we not waste it and eat it since it has been provided for us.

After dinner we had a talent show and Katy and Jaime did a dance that they choreographed during free time. It was really good. Then off to CAMPFIRE we went.
Tonight’s talk was the alter-call talk. Ryan talked on Loving the Lord your God with all your mind and he really emphasized the whole Lordship part of Salvation. It was so good and what I really appreciated was when he did the alter call he didn’t force the issue. He let it be real and didn’t manipulate the emotions like some people do. Some people from our church committed to Christ for the first time and quite a few recommitted their lives. It was a wonderful time of worship and a great talk.

Well off to bed! I get to sleep in tomorrow!

Day 5

Today was SLEEP IN day. After Ryan’s talk last night and the alter call I’m glad that the sleep in day was today. It allowed for long cabin talk times and for the girls and boys to get their beauty rest. Last night I didn’t think that I would sleep in so late and that I would be bored this morning but, good news, I slept in until 8AM!!!! I got up and showered, and got ready and then I went up to the “Dining Hall” and read 2 chapters of Harry Potter 6. Then we had “Brunch” which was French toast, and the crispiest bacon I’ve ever seen (my father would’ve been proud).
Then we had the POOL OLYMPICS, where the teams competed in various events. The first event was the “Spoon Dive” where they had 300 spoons on the bottom of the pool and the teams had to gather as many as possible in a certain amount of time. The scream team won with 125!!!
WOO-HOO! Then they played “Jump, Dive or Contort” where Jonathan would yell one of those three as you were mid-air and you had to do what he called and then the judges would score you on your execution. This was very entertaining. The next game was the “Giant Water Polo” game where two teams would go up head to head and compete (girl team vs. a boy team). This ball was HUGE! Next was the “Biggest Splash” game, which I think explains itself. “Dunk the Chelf” was next where one of the staff was in an inner tube and a team was timed on how long it took them to tip him over into the water. Again, it was VERY entertaining. The grand finale was the “Mr./ Mrs. Buckbeak” game, where they had to jump off of the diving board and grab a rubber chicken.
Then we had a mid-day snack (since we had brunch) and it was DELICIOUS!!!! It was corn dogs and macaroni and cheese!!! YUM-O! From there we went straight into seminars, again. Today was a packed day, if you couldn’t tell. Gabi, Trevor and Kathy were feeling very burned out so I suggested that we retreat to my room for 45 minutes to vent/debrief and to just check in with each other. This turned out to be very good and refreshing for all of us. I’m really glad we took the time to do this and I feel like we are really bonding as leaders. I love them all so much and I wish that they could be leaders next year with us, but they can’t.
Well after the “IPC Leaders Seminar” (as we liked to call it) it was time for our group to go to the ROPES COURSE!!! Oh man, am I glad that I did not sign up for that. They had to climb a very hard latter, hook themselves in then walk across a tight rope with two ropes, one on either side of them to hang onto. Then they had to cleverly un-hook and re-hook themselves to another rope and walk across that while hanging onto a loose rope. This was what the students said was the most terrifying part of the entire ropes course.
Now there is something called the “Calvin Crest Club” where you lean all the way forward and then all the way backwards on this part. Only a few did it completely: Nicole, Makena, Julia, and Trevor. From there they had a very hard changing of their “tails” (their tails are the ropes that they are hooked into the harness with). I was below the students the whole time cheering them on and encouraging them as best as I could and I was trying to tell them and help them get across as best as I could (considering I’ve never been on it). They then walked across a log, to another place to change their tails and walk across some ropes until they got to the zip line and then came down.

I was so moved how encouraging they were of each other and how they were helping each other. Everyone said encouraging words to everyone else, boys to girls, eighth to seventh, and everything in between. Well the ropes course took 4 and a half hours so we missed dinner but they kept some warm for us. When they were doing “At no expense” which was basically a talent show of the Calvin Crest Staff, the 16 of us who were at the ropes course had dinner.
Then we went to CAMPFIRE where Ryan talked on Loving the Lord your God with all your Strength. Using the Cowardly Lion as the example from the Wizard of Oz. Now Ryan and I are sitting on his patio and watching the surprise night game of capture the flag. See you tomorrow!

Quote of the day;
“I don’t wanna be part of the mile high club” –Will Barnes on the ropes course.

Day 6

Today I woke up feeling pretty yucky. I can’t tell if it’s just that I’ve lost my voice or if I’m really sick. So I went to breakfast and then I went back to the lodge and slept until Lunch. My plan for today was to go on the flume, this is a gianormous slide that you go down into the lake, but since I wasn’t feeling well I decided against it.
Well, while I was sleeping there was morning word, that Jonathan led and I heard it was really good, I’m kinda bummed I missed it! Then the students had team time again. The girls just sat around and played some word games and the boys headed up to polar bear pond. Then they had an extra “Bonus Free Time.” That’s when Kathy and Gabi came and woke me up for lunch.
MMM… Turkey Sandwiches was our lunch today. After lunch we played a game on the green. I don’t really know what it was called…something like “Swirly, Twirly. Splashy…Gamey-thingy.”
They circled around a kiddie pool in their teams. While holding hands they walked around the kiddie pool and tried to get the other people to step in the kiddie pool and then they would be out.
The cabin with the most people still in at the end of the round, won. The girls decided to team up against the other churches and so they eliminated all but 2 other girls. It was kinda vicious, yet extremely funny.
After the crazy game and R&R, there was free time so I decided to hang out near the snack shop and I ended up playing cards the whole time. It was really fun!
Dinner tonight was burgers and fries (or salad in my case). After dinner the students had one last Team Time where they wrote encouraging notes to each other and what they learned this week about themselves and about God.
Ryan’s talk tonight at CAMPFIRE was really good. We talked about what we’re taking home with us and what we need to remember—There’s no Place like Home! We need to keep what we’ve learned in our hearts and minds down the mountain. As they were closing the campfire in music Gabi, Kathy and I could not stop laughing. It was over nothing and it was so funny that we couldn’t stop. Man it was fun and funny!
After cabin time tonight they had a dance party for the whole camp where they played fun and crazy music and we just danced our little hearts out on the Green. They had hot chocolate and ice cream sundaes for everyone! It was so fun. At the end they had us all lay on the grass in our cabins and cover our eyes. They turned off the lights and then told us to open our eyes and we looked up at the most beautiful night sky I’ve ever seen. The stars were so beautiful and bright. From up here we could see the Milky Way, the big dipper and Orion (I’m sure others too, but those were the ones I could recognize). The girls cabins continued with star-gazing after the dance was over and I came back to my room to rest and pack.
Well we’ll be coming home tomorrow and part of me is really glad to be going home and another part of me is so sad to leave here. So many wonderful things have happened and we’ve had such a wonderful time. I love all the friendships that have developed and I can’t wait to see what God has in store for us when we get home. This was so much fun! I can’t wait to come back next year!

Peace and Grace to you!